Meet Mike S.

New MikeCan you tell us a little about yourself (name, age, occupation, and hobbies)?

My name is Michael Sausedo. I am 34 years old, living in the SF Bay Area with my GF Noelle. I work as a dispatcher for a trucking company and also do personal training one the side.

I ha a son who is 15yrs old and already much taller than me at 6’1’’. He has a black belt in Karate and working towards his 2nd degree now, very proud of boy. We also have 2 dogs, a Pomeranian named Holly and a Doberman named Romeo, both around 8yrs old.

I don’t really have many hobbies other than the gym. I used to be into cars and fixing my cars up, but now any extra money goes into bodybuilding.

What sparked your interest in training?

I started working out when I was 13yrs old, initially because of my Dad and football. He had a small weight set and told me I should lift weights to get bigger for football. Shortly after I saw my first muscle magazine. From looking at the pictures of the all the guys, I knew that’s how I wanted to look. I wanted to be HUGE, I wanted to walk into any room and make a statement without ever saying a word. Now 20yrs later, I am still going for that lol

How would you describe your lifestyle before you began training?

I started training when I was 13. I would ride my bike over 5 miles after school to the YMCA just so I could workout. Then I started high school and met new friends, and girls, and my workouts slowly faded away. My priorities shifted to having fun instead.  Fast forward a few years to when I was 18, my GF was pregnant. I got a full time job, sitting at a desk all day. Since I wasn’t being active I gained a lot of weight. One day I looked down and saw my belly hanging over my belt and decided I was not going to be one of those fat Dads or husbands. So that day I decided to change my habits and start working out again. I lost 65lbs in less than a year and decided I was going to work towards competing.  

Please describe a “typical” day for you?  What is your daily routine like?

I wake up around 630am, pack my cooler and make my breakfast shake. I start work at 7am, I eat my breakfast when I first arrive to work. I eat another 2 meals while at work. I leave work around 430-5pm and eat another meal on the way home. I usually take a nap for about 30min when I get home. Then I head to the gym by 630pm, usually there until 9pm. When I get home, I eat my postworkout meal, shower and spend time with my GF and 2 dogs until it is time for bed. I have a final shake before bed around 1130am and do it all again then next day.

What is your currently weekly training routine?

1997-2002I train 4-5 days per week right now. Monday – Chest/Biceps, Tuesday – Quads, Wednesday – Off, Thursday-Back/Triceps, Friday-Delts/Hamstrings, Saturday – Off, Sunday – optional Arms day

Do you do cardio?  If so, how often and what is your cardio of choice?

Im currently in “off-season” so I do miminal cardio. Due to time restraints I have not done cardio at all in a few weeks. But normally I try to do 30min 3 X week. When prepping for a show, my cardio goes up quite a bit, upwards of 2hrs per day if needed. When I do cardio, I try and mix things up, I don’t still with just one type of machine. However, I typically stick with longer low intensity sessions as opposed to HIIT type cardio. My knees cant take the punishment.

Do you have a favorite body part to train?  What exercise do you like to use for it?

If I had to pick a favorite bodypart, I would actually pick 2, Quads and Delts.  For Quads, squats is king for leg mass, followed by hack squats. For Delts, I love Seated DB Press. For wide shoulders, DB lateral raises is your ticket.

What does your diet consist of on a daily basis?

My current diet is about 4750 calories. 120g Fat, 400g Carbs and 520g Protein.  This changes every couple weeks and I switch around my macros as I gain weight.

Do you have a favorite healthy meal/food?  Do you have a favorite cheat meal/food?  What are they?

I am a big advocate of the KISS method…Keep It Simple Stupid.  Because of that, my meals are very easy and I eat the same things every day. So I don’t really have a favorite healthy meal, but the one I eat the most is Chicken Breast, Jasmine Rice, Vegetables and Olive Oil.

As for Cheat Meals go, I have a cheat meal 1-2 times per week right now. Which usually consists of a burger.

What tips do you have for sticking to your nutrition plan?

Sticking to any nutrition and/or workout plan is probably the hardest part for most people. But that consistency is how you see progress. This progress is enough for me to stay on track. For most people that is not enough. So my suggestion is to find a plan that you can stick with for the long haul. This is a lifestyle, so transitioning is key. You cant go from eating fast food to eating like I do overnight. But if you do it in phases, it will be easier and you will not burn out after only a week.

What is your favorite workout song?

I don’t think I have a favorite song per se. I listen to rap and hip-hop normally. But I have also been known to hit the weights to some heavy metal.

What, supplements do you take?

As far as OTC supplements, I keep it pretty basic. I use protein powder, usually from Max Muscle but really whatever is on sale works for me. I use Amino Acids during my workout.  That is pretty much it. I take multi-vitamins when I remember…or when my GF reminds me J

Sac Show 2012Which division do you compete in?  Have you always been in this division?

I currently compete as a Heavyweight bodybuilder. This past year was my first year as a HW, but I was on the low end of the class at 201lbs. I was a Light Heavyweight for many years. I was a lightweight at 162lbs for my first show 13yrs ago. My goal this year is to make it towards the top of the HW class, which is 224lbs

What attracts you the most about bodybuilding competitions?  Sac Show 2012 -2

The attraction for me is about the challenge, and the simple fact that not everyone can do it. I take great pride as a competitor. To me, its easy to go to the gym and lift weights, but to eat the way we do, train the way we do, day in and day out takes a lot of guts and discipline. To be dead ass tired, on very little carbs and still get your ass up at 5am just so you can go do cardio that takes a special type of person.

What keeps you motivated on tough days?

For me it is simple, I want to be the best bodybuilder that I can be. This is a very subjective sport, so I don’t try to appease anybody or try to be better than anybody. I am trying to beat me, myself and I. I push myself to the limits so that I cannot look back and wonder what if I tried harder.

What are you most proud of?

That depends on which aspect of life you are referring to. As a bodybuilder, I am proud of surviving in this sport as long as I have. I have made some accomplishments and titles I am proud of, but to still be competing after all that I have been thru, I am very thankful.

As a Father, I am very proud of my son and the man he is turning out to be. He is really a great kid and couldn’t ask for better. I just wish I was able to spend more time with him.

In life in general, I am proud of my ability to just endure. I have had a lot of ups and downs, but I always try and think positive and keep pushing forward.

What tips do you have for a beginner just starting out in the industry?255lbs July 2013-2

If you are just starting out and thinking about competing, my advice is, do your homework. There is a ton of information on the internet, you just need to look for it. The next step is to go to an actual competition and just watch. Soak the experience in. Pay attention to what ever division and/or class you plan on competing in. Take pictures of the top 5, that way you have an idea of the type of physique you need to have to not only compete, but do well. After that, if you are still set on competing, and if you need help with nutrition and/or workouts, then hire a reputable coach.

From your male perspective, what words of encouragement can you offer to women who are nervous about building muscle or getting “bulky”?

Most non-competitive women I know or have met are always worried about getting too muscular or ‘bulky’. As if it was just that easy to do so. The women you see that are extremely muscular are on gear to help them get that way. Women should not fear the weight room, then should embrace it. A toned, fairly muscular physique is very sexy on a woman. If any guy thinks otherwise, they are very insecure and you shouldn’t be dating them anyways J

What is next for you?  What goals do you have in mind?

My next competition is going to be a national show/pro qualifier. Perhaps Masters Nationals in 2014. My current goal is just to put more size on. I am currently about 255lbs, so I would like to add about 10-15lbs.

How can people find you?  Are you on social media?

I am on Facebook and also have a YouTube channel.  Just search Michael Sausedo on YouTube and you will find me. As for Facebook, since it is my personal page, I recommend sending a me a message if you are going to add me. I will get an athlete page up soon enough J

It’s been a pleasure!  Do you have any final words or a favorite quote to share with the readers of NaFiMo

“I don’t wait for motivation, I am motivation. Simply showing up is my proof. The only remaining question is how much I am willing to let pain and circumstance, take me out of it?” – Bruce Lee 

Thank you very much for the great interview and hopefully this can help your readers in some small way.

 progress 1998-2000-2002







One Response

  1. Anjeanette says:

    THAT’S MY LIL BROTHER!!! He’s a great guy ladies and really a positive motivator for fit living. I wish I could do 1/8 of what he does but our lives are very different. If you are truly interested or inspired to be a body builder, my brother has much encouragement to share.

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