Smith Machine Front Squats & RDL

Happy Monday!  Aka leg day!  I’m getting back to leg day basics. Old school squats and deadlifts that I haven’t done in a while.

I’ve always struggled with front squats because I can’t go high enough on the weight to challenge my lower body because I have a hard time keeping the bar across my shoulders….until I saw this nifty little trick for front squats! Using the smith machine allows me to focus more on my lower body than struggling with the bar and helps keeps my body in good form. I started today with 135 for 6 reps and excited to get up in weight. Lol….and it is NOT easy deadlifting at 4 am, but I’m working on my Romanian DL and was comfortable at 245 for 6 reps.

This WILL be the year I get my legs in pro shape!  What are you looking to improve this year? Join my 90 day challenge…lets get you on your way!